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Membrane Software release #15
2020 Oct 16
Membrane Camera now provides a function to capture live video using the raspivid tool. Video output is viewed by streaming to a Membrane Monitor display.
Membrane Camera now provides options to flip captured images and video. (horizontal, vertical, or both)
Membrane Monitor now provides functions to show timelapse images and play live video from Membrane Camera.
Membrane Control interfaces were updated for use with new camera and monitor functions.
• All three applications received a round of fixes for stability and usability issues.
Membrane Camera
Debian package for
Raspberry Pi OS 10 (buster)
Build ID5-stable-e22496fc
Membrane Camera
SD card image based from
Raspberry Pi OS 10 (buster)
Build ID5-stable-e22496fc
Membrane Control
Disk image for
macOS x64 (Intel)
Build ID28-stable-fbe8b8b1
Membrane Control
Debian package for
Raspberry Pi OS 10 (buster)
Build ID28-stable-fbe8b8b1
Membrane Control
Debian package for
Ubuntu (amd64)
Build ID28-stable-fbe8b8b1
Membrane Control
Installer for
Microsoft Windows 32-bit (older PCs)
Build ID28-stable-fbe8b8b1
Membrane Control
Installer for
Microsoft Windows
Build ID28-stable-fbe8b8b1
Membrane Monitor
Debian package for
Raspberry Pi OS 10 (buster)
Build ID25-stable-4d1bb9a6
Membrane Monitor
SD card image based from
Raspberry Pi OS 10 (buster)
Build ID25-stable-4d1bb9a6