Have you ever wondered what it's like to build a fleet of space ships, explore the galaxy, and wage interstellar war? Of course you have! But even if you haven't, Star Commander is a 4X turn-based strategy game that gives you a chance to do just that.
Planning and tactics, not reflexes and reaction time, are the basic skills needed to play. A successful Star Commander wins by designing powerful Starships, recruiting capable officers, and skillfully maneuvering forces in combat. To the victors go the spoils, while the defeated are doomed to oblivion in the black void of deep space. Can you raise a mighty Starship fleet and conquer the galaxy?
Star Commander is a completely free game, with no ads or in-app purchases. Download and play today!

Installer for
Microsoft Windows 32-bit (older PCs)
Microsoft Windows 32-bit (older PCs)
Release date
2014 Feb 25
Build ID
Around the Web
Freeware Garden: Star Commander on Rock, Paper, Shotgun
"Having distilled the core elements of 4X strategizing into a sleek and easy to get into game, and thus having done away with lengthy tutorials and hefty pdf manuals, I am happy to declare that Star Commander has achieved an uncommon straightforwardness."